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How To Use The Ease-Of-Access Center

Windows provides many functions to assist those who are challenged. These are available in the ease of access center (or EOA).

To open the EOA, press windows key and U;  or start to type "ease of access" in the windows search box, then press enter when an EOA settings is hilited.  To open the settings for each EOA feature, click a name in the left column.

Here's a brief summary of EOA features. 

Vision - These settings are for those who are visually impaired, or who just have trouble reading text on the desktop.
Display:  Change the size of desktop icon titles,
change the size of icons with their titles
Changes to screen brightness or resolution
cursor & pointer:  adapt from 2019 eoa vid
magnifier:  lets you increase the size of parts of the desktop
color filters:  change colors on the desktop to increase visibility
high contrast:  increase contrast and add color to make desktop more visible.
Narrator:  reads text from desktop or open windows for those who are visually impaired.

Hearing - For the hearing impaired
Audio:  Change the audio levels  You can also do this with the taskbar volume control
Closed captions:  these options affect how captions are displayed when playing videos with embedded closed captions.

Interaction - For those with limited reach or strength
Speech:  Use cortana to dictate text or control windows.  (I recommend dragon for dictating text.)
Keyboard :  Provides an on-screen keyboard for those who have trouble typing, and makes control keys easier to operate.
Mouse:  Eye control - Lets challenged users type and control the computer using eye movements.

Videos in this playlist describe some of the groups:
(point to group in left column)
How To Make The Windows 10 Cursor & Pointer Easier To See
How To Use The Windows 10 Magnifier
How To Use The Windows 10 Narrator
How To Make The Windows 10 Mouse Easier To Use

If the EOA playlist is displayed to the right of the current video window, you can click a video to play it.  Depending on how you view the videos, there are several ways to open the playlist
1.  Click in the video window, Click the circled "i" at upper right, then click the playlist link.
2.  Click the link in the description below the video window.
3.  Visit this webpage. and click one of the Video links.
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